Variety: Foliage
Foliage main text

Plants in the foliage variety
Calothamnus Villous
Calothamnus Villous short text
Casuarina Equisetifolia
Casuarina Equisetifolia short text
Genista Monosperma
Genista Monosperma short text
Leptospermum Rotundifolium
Leptospermum Rotundifolium short text
Melaleuca Diosmifolia
Melaleuca Diosmifolia has bright green foliage with close leaves and a green flower.
Melaleuca Gray Bark
Melaluca Gray Bark has long stems of small gray-green leaves and lavender flowers.
Melaleuca armillaris (Bracelet Honey Myrtle)
Melaleuca armillaris (Bracelet Honey Myrtle) a large bushy plant with needlelike little green leaves and cream to white flowers.
Melaleuca Yellow
Melaluca Yellow large bushy plant with soft needlelike, yellow leaves.
Leucadendron Silvans Red
Leucadendron ‘Silvans red’, Similar to Safari sum set, but with reddish bracts on long stems
Leucadendron Torttum Silver Bells
Leucadendron Torttum Silver Bells short text
Leucadendron 'Wilson Wonder'
Leucadendron 'Wilson's Wonder' (Wilson's Wonder Conebush) - New growth flushes out red then greening up then start a bright yellow to cream color and then to a strawberry red by mid-winter into spring with bright yellow male cones.
Leucadendron Linifolium
Leucadendron Linifolium Leucadendron Linifolium or line-leaf conebush, is a flower-bearing shrub with small blue-green leaves.
Leucadendron Salignum Yellow
Leucadendron Salignum Yellow short text
Leucadendron Maui Sunset
Leucadendron Maui Sunset short text
Leucadendron Pisa
Leucadendron Pisa has Silvery green foliage with Limey-yellow bracts and cones.
Leucadendron Safari Sunset
Leucadendron Safari Sunset with rich, Deep maroon bracts in late summmer changing to open up with cream color with cones in winter.
Leucadendron Saliginum Blush
Leucadendron Saliginum Blush short text
Leucadendron Salignium Pink
Leucadendron Salignium Pink short text
Leucadendron Salignum #1
Leucadendron Salignum #1 short text
Leucadendron Salignum #2
Leucadendron Salignum #2 short text
Leucadendron Salignum Red
Leucadendron Salignum Red short text
Leucadendron Argenteum
Leucadendron Argenteum, also know as ‘Silver Tree’ has large broadly pointed leaves covered in silver, silken hairs.
Leucadendron Conicum
Leucadendron conicum commonly known as Garden Route Conebush with flowers are red center with cream petals.
Leucadendron Discolor - Female
Leucadendron Discolor, female has greenish white flowers surrounding a green cone.
Leucadendron Discolor - Male
Leucadendron Discolor, male Has a colorful strawberry-like flowers.
Leucadendron Galpinii female
Leucadendron galpinii, Female has silver cones set on long stems with silver-green, spiraled leaves.
Leucadendron Gold Strike
Leucadendron 'Safari Goldstrike' (Yellow Conebush) - The "flowers" are composed of bright clean yellow bracts that surround the central female cone
Leucadendron Inca Gold
Leucadendron ‘Inca Gold’ has rich yellow flowers that have a tulip shape.
Leucadendron 'Jester'
Leucadendron ‘jester’ known for its’ red and green variegated foliage.
Leucadendron ‘kelvins red’
Leucadendron 'Kelvins' Red (Male), has red flowers with cones cones.
Leucadendron Macowanii - F
Leucadendron ‘macowanii’ is rare in its native southern Africa. Flowers are yellow cones.
Hakea Laurina
Hakea Laurina short text
Eucalyptus Forrestiana
Eucalyptus Forrestiana Fushia gum withe red fruit.
Eucalyptus Moon Lagoon
Eucalyptus parvula, ‘Parvifolia’, ‘moon lagoon’. Eucalyptus parvula has lance-shaped adult leaves, flower buds in groups of seven, white flowers and cup-shaped fruit.
Eucalyptus Red Iron Bark
Eucalyptus sideroxylon, has dark, deeply furrowed ironbark, lance-shaped adult leaves, flower buds in groups of seven, white, red, pink or creamy yellow flowers.
Grevillea Banksiaii
Grevillea Banksiaii is an erect shrub or slender tree with creamy white to bright scarlet and yellow flowers.